The beauty of Southern Chile

Rio Bueno, Town and Municipality in Chile

Tourism in Rio Bueno, southern Chile.
Prensa Chilena Independiente
Río Bueno is a municipality in the province of Ranco, in the southeastern part of the Los Rios region. It has an area of 2,212 km2 and a population of just over 32,000 inhabitants. The municipality stretches along the valley of the Bueno River, which rises as an outflow of Lake Ranco and, after a slow but mighty course of 200 km, flows into the Pacific Ocean. The city itself was founded in 1778 as Fort San Jose de Alcudia.
Rio Bueno has a humid climate in winter and temperate in summer (20º C to 25º C), with an average annual temperature of about 12º C. The total annual rainfall ranges from 1200 to 1600 mm. Its particularly fertile soil, has allowed the development of an agriculture of cereals, fruits, vegetables and legumes, cattle ranching and leather industry, sausage factories, beers, liqueurs, flour, dairy products and derivatives. In addition, its location, about 80 km from Valdivia and 38 km from Osorno on the Ruta 5 Sur (Pan-American Highway), has favored its development. As is typical for this part of southern Chile, the German colonization, very strong since the second half of the 19th century, has had a great influence in all areas.

Tourist Attractions in Rio Bueno


Arturo Möller Sandrock Historical and Archaeological Museum

Opened in 1971, the gallery receives its name in homage to its creator and the main donor of the pieces exhibited in the museum. Its mission is to rescue, preserve and promote the historical heritage of the municipality of Rio Bueno and its surroundings. 
Arturo Möller Sandrock, a native of this land, gathered during his life a set of collections which his family later donated to the Rio Bueno city council. The museum also includes numerous donations from individuals, left by Spanish settlers and later by descendants of Germans and Austrians.
Address: 650 Pedro Lagos St., Rio Bueno
Landline: 56 642340433

Fuerte San Jose de Alcudia

San Jose de Alcudia Fort, Chile

Southern Chile served as the final stronghold of Spanish dominance. The fortifications constructed by the crown between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in the present-day Los Rios Region represent a distinct architectural heritage in Chile.
The Fuerte San Jose de Alcudia Historic Monument is built atop a cliff, overlooking the Bueno River from a height of 50 meters. This stronghold was a crucial part of the defense infrastructure constructed in the area to counter native attacks following an uprising in 1792 and to establish Spanish control between the cities of Valdivia and Castro. Its construction dates back to the period between 1793 and 1795, overseen by the engineer Manuel Olaguer Feliu.
Parroquia Inmaculada Concepcion 

The Immaculate Conception Parish, situated at 570 Arturo Prat Avenue, opposite the main square of the city, is one of the highlights of local city tours. Established in 1907 as the Archangel Saint Raphael Parish, it has been meticulously maintained over the years. Serving as a significant gathering place for parishioners and families attending Masses and religious events, it holds a central role in the community.

Culinary Tradition

Culinary tradition of Rio Bueno, Chile.

The influence of the German colonization in this part of Chile is reflected in many fields of daily life. It is common to find various small businesses offering delicacies based on traditional German recipes, highlighting those related to pastry, chocolate, beers, liquors, sausages, dairy products.

Parque Alfonso Brandt

This park is an ideal destination for those who like to enjoy nature and observe native tree species, located on Cerro Piedra Mesa, on the shores of Lago Ranco.
There are a series of routes where tourists can go hiking or biking, enjoying a privileged view of the lake, its islands and the entire environment. Lago Ranco has 13 islands being the third largest in Chile after Llanquihue and General Carrera. One of the recommended activities is to trek to the Piedra Mesa viewpoint, which offers a spectacular panoramic view of the lake, and is also the entry point to the Park.

Puente Chirre (Chirre Bridge)

Chirre Bridge, Chile.

The Chirre Bridge, an old masterpiece of engineering, along with its surroundings, offers tourists a unique experience that blends Chile's natural beauty with history. This ancient architectural work, constructed in 1925 to connect the cities of Rio Bueno and Entre Lagos within the railway network, was declared a National Monument in June 2017. Currently repurposed for road use, it continues to stand as a symbol of the region's rich heritage.
Surrounded by the scenic beauty and thick vegetation typical of the region, the bridge stands as one of the highest in South America, towering 108 meters above the valley floor. It serves as a launching point for rappelling, offering a thrilling descent of nearly 100 meters over the Chirre River. Additionally, the river's waters are ideal for fishing, kayaking, and rafting enthusiasts. Visitors can also explore nearby trails to observe the local flora and fauna, which includes a variety of bird and mammal species..

Rafting on Rio Bueno 

Image:, Adventure Tourism in Chile

This watercourse, the natural drainage of Lago Ranco, the third largest in Chile, offers great conditions for practicing water sports. There are several specialized agencies that offer the opportunity to live an unforgettable experience in these idyllic landscapes of southern Chile.
It is not necessary to have a lot of previous experience because the rapids are Class II and III, the guides are very prepared and the agencies provide all the prior instruction and necessary equipment except for footwear. Some of the agencies that offer tours are Rio Bueno Expediciones, Aventura Sport, Turismo Rutas Verdes.

Location and Distances

The municipality is located in southern Chile, Ranco Province, Los Rios Region, the river is the natural drain of the beautiful Ranco Lake.
The main access is by Route 5 South (Pan-American Highway), a short distance from the town, reaching the "Cruce Los Tambores" take the T-71 fork that connects with the town. The distance to other cities:

Santiago de Chile: 900 km.
Valdivia (regional capital): 80 km.
Osorno: 38 km.
Puerto Montt: 139 km.

Rio Bueno on Google Map HERE.
